Peer Reviewer’s Report

Reviewers are asked to consider whether the work reviewed falls within the Journal’s aims and scope, defined as follows: 

Organisational and Social Dynamics is a peer-reviewed journal that explores the introduction of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic therapy, and the wider application of psychoanalytic ideas.

O&SD aims to create a deeper understanding of organisational and social processes and their effects on individuals, and to provide a forum for both theoretical and applied papers addressing emerging issues in societies and organisations from a psycho-social perspective.

The editors seek to sustain a creative tension between scientific rigour and popular appeal, by developing conversations with the professional and social scientific worlds and opening them to practitioners and reflective citizens everywhere. 

The following questions are intended to assist in assessing the submission:


Questionnaire (Please add further details below)



Does the paper make a new contribution to theory?



Does the Abstract (Summary) clearly and accurately describe the content of the article?



Does it show a critical awareness or relevant literature and practice?



Is the paper reflective in the sense of demonstrating a self-awareness regarding the role and values of the authors?



Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by evidence?



Is adequate reference made to other work in the field, particularly to those that continue an on-going conversation throughout the Organisational and Social Dynamics journal?



Is the language acceptable?



Is the paper well structured and easy to read?




NB: Reviewers may wish to consider other criteria in addition. If so, please be explicit about their use.


Title of Paper 

Date reviewed

Reviewer’s name 

Reviewer’s Recommendation:  please tick one of the 3 options below. 

1)  Accept without modification  
2)  Reject
     If so, please give reasons
3)  Accept subject to modification
     If so, please list recommended changes

Please give two narratives about your review:

First, Give a message that can be relayed anonymously to the author, suggesting ideas for revision or your reasons for suggesting the paper not be published. 

Second, Give any other comments in a note to the Editor. These comments will be used to judge the suitability of the paper for publication, but will not be shared with the author.